Employment Law Certificate Course

Course Description

Employment law is a branch of contract law that deals with relationships between employers and employees. This course will cover statutes such as the National Labor Relations Act, the Railway Labor Act, and other various statutes dealing with public employees. Topics to be included are master and servant, wages and hours, anti-discrimination in employment and minimum wages and maximum hours, as well as regulation of working conditions.


  • Discuss the roots of the master-servant relationship
  • Distinguish employment from independent contracting
  • Distinguish employment at will from wrongful discharge
  • Identify torts that can be brought against employers
  • Examine discrimination in hiring
  • Discuss accommodation in working conditions
  • Identify labor organizations
  • Discuss unfair labor practices
  • Examine the structure of the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act
  • Identify constitutional protections against discrimination
  • Discuss disability discrimination and accommodations
  • Examine age discrimination in hiring and in retirement


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Continuing Education Units and Contact Hours

45 contact hours or 4.5 CEUs

The Center for Legal Studies is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM.

Registration Deadlines

Course BeginsRegister By
August 21August 14
October 16October 9
January 8January 1
March 4February 25
April 29April 22

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